KompoZer User Guide

 1 - Introduction

 2 - Quick start

 3 - Using KompoZer

 4 - Stylesheets

 5 - Scripts

 6 - Inserts

 7 - Templates

 8 - Site Manager

 9 - Preferences

10 - Publishing


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KompoZer User Guide - Section 2

2    Quick start

2.1 Preliminary

Open KompoZer

The main window opens. At the top are a number of toolbars. The topmost is the Menu Bar. This carries a number of items (File, Edit etc) used to make selections. The next is the ‘Composition Toolbar’ which carries a number of ‘Buttons’ labelled ‘New’, ‘Open’ etc.

2.2    To create a new page:

On the Composition toolbar Click the ‘New’ button.

2.3    To open an existing page

Assuming that the page is stored on your local disk in HTML format:

On the menu Bar click ‘File’ then ‘Open File’. Browse to the file and click ‘Open’.

2.4    Editing a web page

Your web page – blank or otherwise – is in the large pane in the centre right of the KompoZer application window. Many editing functions are very similar to those in a word processor. The top four toolbars on the KompoZer application window provide a number of editing functions – to see what any do hover the cursor over an item and a hint will appear.

2.5    Saving a Page

To save a page:

On the Composition toolbar click ‘Save’.

If it was a new document a dialog window will ask you to enter a title for the page. This will appear in the tab at the top of the page display area. NB this is NOT the file name. Click ‘OK’; you will then be offered a normal save window which allows you to browse to a suitable location and name the file. The file extension offered will be HTML.

2.6    Browsing a page

To see how your page will look in your default browser on the Composition toolbar click ‘Browse’.

2.7    Help

The help system should be a first resort in case of need.

The forum at is a place for sharing experiences and obtaining and giving help. Many of the contributors are users of the programs and range from beginners to those with lots of experience.