KompoZer 0.8 pre-release -
Preferences (Section 9 of user Guide)

This edition is based on KompoZer 0.8b1


Opening the Options panel (Tools > Options) reveals that the previous four sections (General, Fonts, New Page Settings, Advanced) have been joined by a fifth section headed 'Applications'. The full import of these is not yet clear so I will deal with only one, the selection of text editor.

Text editor

Figure 1

View of Options window with external applications selected.

The use of the text editor has been covered in sections 3 and 4. This window allows you to select which editor will be employed when the HTML button is clicked.

Assuming that you have your preferred editor installed you can select it as follows:

  1. Click Applications. The 'External Applications' window opens
  2. In the drop down box at the top select 'Text editor'
  3. Select the button 'use custom application'
  4. In the box headed 'file path' browse to the required application.
  5. Click OK.

After this has been done the selected application will be the one used when the HTML button is pressed to edit HTML documents or CSS stylesheets.

Most modern editors support unicode and recognise UTF-8 encoding and this can be important when editing html documents. The two references below are to editors with this support.